In addition to CT, DoseMonitor 2.0 new capabilities include full multi-modality support including mammography, direct radiography and angiography.

The solution also features new reports including dose by technologist by procedure; dose by physician by procedure as well as mammography reporting (organ and Mean Glandular dose) and age range support for alerts/notifications.

PHS Technologies Group PACSHealth chief operating officer Mike Battin said dose monitoring and reduction is a priority in the medical imaging community and among regulators, and the company believes that DoseMonitor 2.0 is the right tool to help hospitals and practitioners perform needed tests while monitoring risk and staying in compliance.

"With these additional functions, this software solution not only does a superior job of helping healthcare professionals to protect patients and meet increasingly stringent regulations, but it also provides great value," Battin added.

"It’s a single server, browser-based solution that automates dose data collection and reporting, including a direct integration to the ACR’s Dose Index Registry (DIR), which eliminates steps that add time and can lead to errors.

"And because all upgrades and updates are included in the software maintenance plan, the total cost of ownership is lower."