Royal Philips Electronics (Philips) has launched Philips InnerCool RTx Endovascular System for cooling and warming, which provides advanced whole body temperature modulation therapy in a closed-loop system from the inside out.

Philips said that the InnerCool RTx is a high-performance system that can raise and lower the body temperature of certain non-paralyzed, awake patients of all sizes in the intensive care setting. The RTx cools and warms patients with a an integrated temperature sensor catheter, which is placed below the heart via the femoral vein.

Once in place, the closed-loop system modulates whole body temperature without fluid introduction or exchange by circulating cool or warm saline. This allows for precise temperature control while offering the fastest cooling and warming rates of any temperature management system currently on the market.

The approach to therapeutic hypothermia rapidly achieves maximum cooling. It also allows for cooling of awake patients, which helps to avoid the risks inherent with paralytic agents such as masking seizures or inadequate levels of sedation.

The InnerCool RTx includes a programmable console with an intuitive touch screen interface. It can be used with both a standard catheter and the Accutrol Catheter the only temperature modulation catheter with an integrated temperature sensor. The average cooling rates for the RTx are 4-5 C/hr and the average warming rates are 2-3 C/hr.

In addition to the new InnerCool RTx Endovascular System, Philips also offers InnerCool STx Surface Pad System for cooling and warming, which provides a cost-effective and easy-to-use solution with an advanced design for non-invasive temperature modulation therapy.

Mike Miller, senior vice president and general manager of Cardiac Care at Philips Healthcare, said: “The Philips InnerCool RTx Endovascular System brings significant advancements in temperature modulation therapy and makes this technology even easier to use. Because the InnerCool RTx has the fastest cooling and warming rates in the industry, it will be able to provide high performance in multiple clinical applications and settings.”