The new Avalon system has been developed for continuous fetal and maternal monitoring, which automatically streams patient data to the EMR via Philips obstetrical information management system, known as IntelliSpace Perinatal.

Avalon beltless solution is a single, easy-to-use patch and reusable pod, which are placed on the expectant mother’s belly to capture critical parameters by measuring fetal and maternal heart rate and uterine activity via ECG and EMG signals.

Philips’ new beltless solution enables clinicians to monitor patient’s vital signs from their mobile devices with the support of Avalon monitors.

Based on electrode technology, the OB solution provides all expectant mothers, including women with high BMI, more mobility through Avalon beltless solution.

The beltless solution enables expectant mothers to move freely during labor and enables to connect to the hospital wireless network while transferring patient data back to the Avalon fetal monitors and later to the EMR via IntelliSpace Perinatal.

Philips monitoring and analytics business leader Felix Baader said: “Providing the best quality care for expectant mothers continues to be a priority for clinicians.

“This is not only a great option for difficult-to-monitor patients with a higher BMI with synchronized information flow to the EMR, but it also offers comfort, freedom to move around and flexibility for expectant mothers during labor, improving their overall experience.”

The OB solution includes Avalon Fetal monitoring portfolio and its Smart Pulse technology, in addition to an obstetrical information management system that supports continuous obstetrical data flow to the EMR.

Avalon CL is a cableless fetal monitor base station, which enables to reduce the amount of cables, and extends intrapartum and antepartum measurement parameters.

IntelliSpace Perinatal is an obstetrical information management system, which will offer complete coverage from first antepartum visit through labor, delivery, postpartum, discharge and follow-up visits.

With sales and services in over 100 countries, Philips provides diagnostic imaging, image-guided therapy, patient monitoring and health informatics, as well as consumer health and home care solutions.