Orthocon, a developer of implantable products designed to stop the bleeding from and to deliver drugs to bone, has released its first commercial product, the Hemasorb Absorbable Bone Hemostat Matrix, in US.

The US Food and Drug Administration cleared Hemasorb Absorbable Bone Hemostat Matrix is a ready to use, biocompatible, water resistant, and absorbable putty that is designed to rapidly stop bleeding when applied to damaged or cut bone.

The Syntinate Technology Platform incorporates biocompatible and absorbable solids and liquids to create a synthetic matrix that, when applied to bone, mechanically blocks bleeding.

Orthocon Scientific Founder Richard Kronenthal said Hemasorb is the first commercial product that employs proprietary Syntinate Technology Platform.

"We are currently developing a pipeline of follow-on products that will complement Syntinate’s utility as a bone hemostat by exploiting its potential to deliver drugs directly to bone," Kronenthal said.