FISH detects targeted DNA rearrangements and is used for the diagnosis, outcome prediction and clinical management of cancer patients.

The FISH methodology is characterized by a fast turnaround time, high sensitivity, and the ability to study the cell cycle at different stages.

Nikon offers a line of products that are intended to deliver quality research and clinical results.

Nikon’s microscopes and imaging software systems provide cytogenetics laboratories with improvised solutions of workflow efficiency and reduce subjectivity.

This solution, when combined with the CGI Italia DNA-FISH Probes, will allow laboratories to perform simultaneous multicolor FISH testing with complex image analysis in academic and clinical settings.

Cancer Genetics founder and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center professor Raju Chaganti said that through research, CGI has designed and developed a set of outstanding DNA-FISH Probes for diagnosis of genomic aberrations currently recognized as essential in clinical practice.

Nikon sales manager Cristiana Ricci said that the company appreciates the great opportunity to distribute CGI Italia DNA-FISH Probes in the Italian market.

"Nikon has developed, especially for the Oncology/Hematology field, a microspots system to investigate FISH on a microchannel, and CGI Italia’s probes are very important to complete our full solution offer for our customers," Ricci added.