The platform enables collaboration between all providers namely physicians, hospitals, diagnostic facilities, and laboratories, and also improves continuity and quality of care for the patient and improves operational efficiencies for all practices..

The US Government through American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill of 2009 (ARRA), has mandated physicians to focus on providing better patient care through electronic health record sharing amongst hospitals and other specialists.

NIIT Technologies president Lalit Dhingra said that the acquisition of ‘Preferr’ is a major initiative to provide solutions in health care IT.

"The platform enables providers to meet federal guidelines for Electronics Health Record meaningful use criteria and will enable NIIT to pursue this space and mark its presence within the health care arena," Dhingra said.

NIIT Technologies Healthcare Division head Pranam Ben said that the platform is a SaaS-based IP that collaborates between various care entities by enhancing the portability, re-usability, integrity and history of health records.

"Being a SaaS-based platform it operates on the cloud whereby in addition to ease in collaboration, it is a green-IT initiative that will help health care providers reduce their carbon footprint," Ben said.