The kits, which are compatible with a range of instruments, use convenient master mix formats and user-friendly protocols for simplifying reaction setup.

The company cliams that they outperform other commercially available products depending on several criteria, including those earlier documented in the Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments (MIQE) guidelines.

The Luna qPCR master mixes are formulated with reference dye which can universally support real-time instruments such as high-ROX, Low-ROX and ROX-independent instruments and a non-interfering blue visible dye, which can help in tracking reagents, when directed onto multi-welled PCR plates.

In RT-qPCR applications, the Luna kits pair Hot Start Taq with Luna WarmStart Reverse Transcriptase, a new reverse transcriptase (RT) developed for increased performance and high thermostability.

With WarmStart RT, reactions can be setup at room temperatures and can be carried out in temperatures ranging between 50 and 60°C.

NEB product marketing manager Breton Hornblower said: "Quantitation of DNA and RNA using qPCR and RT-qPCR is a cornerstone technique for genetic analysis, as well as molecular diagnostics. However, the market is filled with many different qPCR and RT-qPCR formulations, making it difficult for researchers to find the right product for any given application.

"We designed our Luna kits so that users only have to answer two simple questions: Is your intended target DNA or RNA, and is your detection method probe-based or dye-based? This greatly simplifies the product selection process."

Hornblower said: "The MIQE guidelines help uphold the integrity of qPCR experiments, and thus became a launching point for our method of analysis. We analyzed countless qPCR and RT-qPCR reactions for amplification efficiency, reproducibility, fluorescence consistency, curve steepness and shape, so that customers don't have to."