WoundExpert IRIS module incorporates technology developed by TRUE-See Systems and the module will help correct common photo documentation problems, such as erroneous color and lighting, and inconsistent orientation and wound measurements.

Additionally, the module also offers key advantages that include real-time validation of high quality calibrated photos, auto-calculation of wound measurements, reference photos of previous assessment pictures and measurement methods, and ability to document while photos are uploading.

Net Health chief technology officer Christopher Hayes noted many photo documentation options try to support wound measurement, but none actually improves the image.

"Providing our clients with a fully integrated solution was a must-have, yet was unavailable from most prospective partners. TRUE-See Systems provided Net Health the ability to address both picture quality and measurement consistency while preserving a standard clinic workflow," Hayes added.

Around 100 participants have tested the performance of WoundExpert IRIS module during a six-week beta period in live clinic environments.

WoundExpert software product manager Kimberly Anderson noted within a matter of days, beta facilities reported notable improvements in the quality of uploaded wound photos.

"Some mentioned their referring physicians were impressed with the improvements in the photos they received. Facilities that previously required two clinicians in the treatment room enhanced efficiency and productivity, as the module enabled a single clinician to capture wound assessment documentation in real-time," Anderson added.