New Test Kit Aids in Identifying the Presence of Cancerous or Precancerous Growths in the Colon Aims to Save Lives

Covid test

myLAB Box Launches New At-Home Colorectal Cancer Screening Test. (Credit: Pete Linforth from Pixabay)

myLAB Box, the nation’s first at-home testing-to-treatment service, today announced the launch of its new at home colorectal cancer screening test. This painless, easy-to-use home test is designed to help doctors diagnose potential traces of colon cancer in men and women. Like all of myLAB Box’s test kits, samples can be conveniently collected at any time and from any place.

myLAB Box’s home colorectal cancer screening test is designed as a preventative aid for doctors. With regular screening, a person will be able to track any potential abnormalities. The results can help doctors identify the presence of cancerous or precancerous growths in the colon. With proper follow-up and treatment, these early warning signs could save a person’s life.

“With the exception of skin cancers, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed in America. Early detection can make all the difference in the world,” said myLAB Box CEO and Co-Founder Lora Ivanova. “This new at home colorectal cancer screening test can assist both patients and doctors in detecting potential risks and treating early.”

This type of test is often called a Fecal Immunochemical Test. It checks for blood in the user’s stool. A positive result may show the presence of colon cancer or other conditions in the digestive tract.

If detected early, colon cancer can often be successfully treated. It is therefore important to determine whether precancerous or cancerous polyps are present.

How it Works

myLAB Box’s tests are easy, fast and hassle free:

Order your test online.

Send your sample to the lab via the prepaid return envelope.

Safe and secure results will be available online within days.

As with all myLAB Box tests, this new home colorectal cancer screening test includes free shipping and telemedicine consultations. Consumers who receive a kit from their preferred physician can enjoy seamless support by automatically sharing results with their providers.

Source: Company Press Release