The new iPad app was designed to educate users on the extensive benefits of ultrasonic wound debridement using the SonicOne technology.

Users can explore the science behind the SonicOne O.R. with 3D animation of the innovative ultrasound technology, witness the macro and microscopic interaction of ultrasound in a wound environment, and observe the surgical technique used for debriding a wound in the 3D wound animation.

The app also contains extensive material on SonicOne O.R.’s clinical and economic benefits, key publications and endorsements from distinguished surgeons who have made SonicOne a standard of care in their practice.

Commenting on the new app, Dr. David Pougatsch, attending & teaching faculty member in the department of Surgery at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, CA and Director of the Sherman Oaks Hospital Amputation Prevention Center said, "I’ve been very impressed with the SonicOne O.R. over the past two years and it has become a standard of care in our treatment protocols for some of the most challenging cases in preventing limb amputations."

"This new iPad app continues our commitment to develop new tools to better communicate with our rapidly expanding global customer base and international stakeholders," said Michael A. McManus, Jr., President and Chief Executive Officer of Misonix.