Mirada’s products are currently sold through international imaging companies including Siemens, Sectra, Carestream, Vital Images and McKesson.

Mirada said that Caseaccess is its third product to be launched into the global marketplace in the last 12 months. It allows efficient dissemination of patient imaging information and reporting via technology that takes image data from the centre where the patient was scanned and makes this available to the referring physician regardless of where the referrer is located.

Caseaccess provides technological advantages over currently available report distribution mechanisms. These often use slow and unreliable methods, such as posting a CD containing the image data and report, or relaying patient information via inefficient web based packages and tools that prevent the referring physician from being able to fully and clearly understand the patient’s condition.

Timor Kadir, chief technology officer, said: “The purpose of Healthcare IT is to increase workflow efficiency while assisting clinical users to obtain the best possible quality of information from the raw data. Both imaging centres and referrers will benefit from Mirada’s new Caseaccess product.

“Caseaccess reliably and rapidly disseminates all of the available data and information which has been acquired, certainly boosting productivity and enabling an improved level of communication and understanding, particularly for the referring physician.”

Hugh Bettesworth, CEO of Mirada Medical, said: “Mirada continues to be clinically and commercially focused and aims to deliver better healthcare solutions in the critical field of cancer imaging. We are penetrating new markets internationally and enjoying a growing presence in our key US market.”