The patent number entitled Placental Tissue Grafts with number 8,409,626 was issued with a grant date of 2 April 2013.
The two other patents entitled ‘Placental Tissue Grafts’ and ‘Method for Applying a Label to a Placental Tissue Graft’ with numbers 8,460,715 and 8,460,716 were issued with a grant date of 11 June 2013.
The company’s new patents are associated with its placental tissue allografts which include AmnioFix and EpiFix allografts.
Human amnion/chorion tissue is rich in cytokines and promote wound healing, but the preservation of the biological activities of therapeutic allografts during processing is a significant challenge. Dehydrated human amnion/chorion membrane tissue allografts (dHACM) resulting from the MiMedx proprietary Purion process have solved this challenge.
Purion processed dHACM preserves biologically active growth factors and regulatory factors that are to some extent responsible for its clinical effectiveness in wound healing and other applications.
MiMedx chairman and CEO Parker Petit said: "These three newly issued patents now give us a total of eight dHACM-based U.S. patents that have been issued to MiMedx."
"We are also pleased that our allografts from our proprietary AmnioFix and EpiFix technologies are continuing to gain excellent reception among the physician community and the private and public sector insurance carriers," added Petit.