The study results showed that MiniMed insulin pumps safely achieve better glucose control for people with insulin-requiring type 2 diabetes than multiple daily injections. Comparative efficacy results from the OpT2mise trial were published online in The Lancet.

Sponsored by Medtronic, the OpT2mise trial enrolled 331 patients aged from 30 to 75 years.

In the global, randomized, controlled study, patients using insulin pumps achieved a mean A1C (average blood glucose) reduction of 1.1% compared to a 0.4% reduction by those using multiple daily injections.

According to Medtronic, the improvement in glucose control was achieved without any episodes of severe hypoglycemia.

Patients in the insulin pump group lowered the total daily dose of insulin by over 20%. There was no difference in weight gain between the two groups, according to the company.

Medtronic Diabetes global, clinical and medical affairs vice president and chief medical officer Francine Kaufman said: "OpT2mise is the latest example of this clinical leadership and a trial that has the potential to help improve access to insulin pump therapy for the many people with type 2 diabetes who could benefit."