The system is certified as a complete electronic health record including all 64 clinical quality measures (CQM’s).

MedInformatix CEO Tom McGonigle noted the company is thrilled to be among the first in its industry to achieve Stage 2 Meaningful Use certification.

"To obtain certification at this early stage of the process speaks to our commitment in supporting our clients through all stages of meaningful use. This also provides the maximum amount of time for imaging centers still looking to begin Meaningful Use in 2014," McGonigle added.

The certification comes after MedInformatix completed a rigorous certification process administered by Drummond Group, a designated Office of the National Coordinator Authorized Certification Body (ONC-ACB).

Drummond works closely with healthcare software providers across the country to certify EHRs for use by medical practices and organizations looking to qualify for incentive funds under guidelines of the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).

Stage 1 of the process began in 2011 followed by Stage 2 in 2014. Stage 3 guidelines have yet to be determined. After 2015, healthcare providers not achieving Meaningful Use requirements will be subject to financial penalties, making 2014 the final year to qualify for incentive payments.

MedInformatix clients have been among the first medical practices and providers in the nation to collect Meaningful Use incentives. Through November 2013, MedInformatix clients who have implemented its certified solution have collected more than $42m in incentive payments.