MedicRead 3.0 Colon includes Medicsight’s ColonCAD software. This advanced visualization platform allows radiologists to read computer tomography (CT) scans for the detection of colonic polyps, which may be the precursors of colon cancer.

Allan Rowley, Chief Executive of Medicsight, commented, The launch of the online MedicRead 3.0 Colon platform provides us with an additional distribution channel for our exciting ColonCAD software. The MedicRead 3.0 Colon platform is currently the only visualization workstation for virtual colonoscopy that can be accessed and downloaded via the Internet. This broad access allows us to reach a broader user base and allows the international radiology community the ability to take advantage of the clinical benefits of our ColonCAD.

Medicsight has developed MedicRead 3.0 Colon for early detection of colorectal cancer. This is a standalone, competitively priced, CTC visualization workstation that incorporates the latest version of ColonCAD 4.0 as well as Medicsight’s MedicServer technology. The centralized pre-processing platform offered by MedicRead 3.0 Colon accepts DICOM CT image data from either the CT console or any PACS system.

The new online application was showcased at ESGAR 2009, which took place last week in Valencia, Spain.