In the study three established DNA molecular markers of prostate cancer (GST-P1, APC and RAR-beta) were used to evaluate all of the diagnostic biopsy cores from a series of patients with 1 of 12 cores positive for cancer.

The objective was to look for field effects that may provide a useful index of malignancy in the adjacent tissues.

Results indicated that such field effects were detected at a distance a centimeter or more distant from the edge of the histological focus of cancer.

In addition, GST-PI field effects, in particular, appear to be sensitive to the grade of the adjacent cancer.

This suggest that these biomarkers could be useful in detecting occult high grade prostate cancer in men whose biopsies show only one or two cores of low grade, Gleason Score 6, cancer.

Additional clinical studies are underway to further define MDxHealth’s marker panel’s clinical potential for prostate cancer detection and prediction of aggressiveness.