“Since January 2007 the facility saw a steady reduction in CLABSIs after instituting clear valves and a vigorous maintenance education of CVCs that includes flushing with 20ml of normal saline. The facility achieved a ZERO CLABSI rate in 2008 (p<0.05). This is clinically significant, reported Royer. “As of March 20, 2009 it has been 433 days without a bloodstream infection, 433 days with a CLABSI rate of zero.”

The team implemented many interventions to reduce infection including: changing to a swabable positive displacement connector (MaxPlus), maximal sterile barriers and CHG prep, chlorhexidine patch, vigorous connector care education, switching to the clear version of the same connector (MaxPlus Clear) and flushing with 20ml of normal saline. “An impressive continued drop to zero CLABSIs was noted with the implementation of the use of a clear positive displacement valve as a cue to clean, flush, or change the valve,” reported Royer.

In July 2007, Royer reported an initial cost savings of over $241,000 in the ICU’s alone for a five-fold decrease in CLABSI’s and a 60 percent reduction in contaminated blood cultures from this initiative.

“Blood and debris are a growth media for bacteria. The care of CVCs that includes changing the valve if blood, precipitate, or debris are evident, coupled with flushing the catheter with 20ml NS to clear the catheter are associated with reduced infection rates. This is a clear enhancement to the central line bundle. If the valve is opaque, it does not trigger or reinforce the clear process to keep blood and debris out of the catheter,” reported Royer.

“This facility’s successful implementation of best practices coupled with use of the MaxPlus Clear connector illustrates how the MaxPlus Clear device can significantly enhance clinical care. By providing a visual cue to caregivers to disinfect and flush more thoroughly, patient outcomes are improved,” said Jeff Goble, President of Medegen.

MaxPlus Clear provides complete visualization of the fluid path providing a visual reminder to completely perform clinical practices such as priming, disinfection, and flushing. This clarity enhances clinical practice which can ultimately reduce the occurrence of bloodstream infections and occlusions in patients receiving infusion therapy.

MaxPlus Clear is the first and only clear positive displacement connector shown to enhance patient care by lowering bloodstream infection and occlusion rates.