The contract resulted from the Steripath Gen 2 Initial Specimen Diversion Device technology platform being recommended by hospital experts in this category who serve on one of Vizient’s member-led councils.

This contract has established a new product category for Vizient entitled: Phlebotomy Blood Culture Mechanical Initial Specimen Diversion Products. Innovative Technology contracts are reserved for technologies that demonstrate an ability to enhance clinical care or patient safety, and those that may improve an organization’s care delivery and business model.

Magnolia Medical CCO Bob Gerberich said: “We are honored to have Steripath selected as an innovative technology that can improve patient safety, quality of care and drive antibiotic stewardship while delivering significant cost savings to hospitals.

“This contract provides Vizient member hospitals with increased value and favorable pricing along with an ongoing Clinical Performance Guarantee and value-added clinical and business partnership programs.”

Each year, tens of millions of patients in the U.S. require a blood culture to help diagnose sepsis and other potentially deadly bloodstream infections3. However, even when standard practices are followed, an average of 40 percent of positive results are actually false positive due to blood culture contamination3.

The diagnostic inaccuracy caused by contaminants puts over a million patients at risk of being misdiagnosed with sepsis each year — and unnecessarily treated with potent broad-spectrum antibiotics such as vancomycin3.

Unnecessary and inappropriate antibiotic treatment due to false positive blood cultures leads to many patient risk factors including antibiotic-related infections and complications, extended hospital stay and associated hospital-acquired conditions. It also contributes to antibiotic resistance and undermines nationwide efforts to improve antimicrobial stewardship.

Steripath® Gen2 was designed to capture contaminates, virtually eliminating blood culture contamination which leads to false-positive diagnostic results for sepsis. The Initial Specimen Diversion Device® mechanically diverts and isolates the initial 1.5-2.0 mL of blood, the portion known to contain contaminants. The device then opens an independent sterile blood flow path to the culture bottles.

Two controlled clinical studies published in leading peer-reviewed medical journals and seven clinical abstracts accepted and presented at major medical conferences have demonstrated sustained blood culture contamination rates as low as 0.2% in the ED1, with hospitals then achieving positive predictive value for sepsis as high as of 97%1, as much as a 37% reduction in vancomycin days of therapy2 and an estimated average annualized hospital cost savings of $945,000 in four of the clinical trials.

Magnolia Medical CEO Greg Bullington said: “We look forward to working with Vizient members across the country with a shared commitment to eliminate blood culture contamination and false positive diagnostic results for sepsis. Improving patient safety, enabling antibiotic stewardship efforts and significantly reducing avoidable costs to hospitals across the nation by broadening access to Steripath remains our core focus.

“This agreement enables us to offer additional value to member hospitals and accelerates the process of equipping them with enabling technology that delivers significant, sustained, reproducible reduction in blood culture contamination.”

Vizient’s Innovative Technology program for suppliers leader and procurement director Debbie Archer said: “After review, Vizient’s member council agreed the Steripath Gen2 Initial Specimen Diversion Device technology offers a unique benefit over other products available in the market today and recommended it for an innovative technology contract. We are pleased to award this new contract to Magnolia Medical.”

Vizient represents a diverse membership base that includes academic medical centers, pediatric facilities, community hospitals, integrated health delivery networks and non-acute health care providers and represents approximately $100 billion in annual purchasing volume.

Through its Innovative Technology Program, Vizient works with member-led councils and task forces to review potentially innovative products. If it is determined that a product is innovative, Vizient may award a contract outside of the competitive bid cycle.

Source: Company Press Release.