The Contract award number #V797D-50450 enables the VA and other federal organizations to purchase any of the CorMatrix products at pre-approved pricing via the Veterans Administration’s FSS Online Schedule.

"CorMatrix produces life-changing medical devices and technology that are now available via the online VA Federal Supply Schedule. I’m honored that CorMatrix selected LGS as their partner to help make these life-saving products readily available to the Veterans Healthcare System," said Chris Lovell, President of LGS.

CorMatrix is approved for Cardiac Tissue Repair, Vascular Repair, Pericardial Repair and Reconstruction, and the CorMatrix CanGaroo.

CorMatrix products are made from decellularized porcine small intestinal submucosa. Extracellular matrix (ECM) is the naturally occurring bioscaffold that surrounds cells in almost all tissues. CorMatrix acts as a scaffold into which the patient’s stem cells migrate and integrate — stimulating natural healing mechanisms which mature to form a strong, permanent tissue repair.

"While our primary focus has been in furthering the development of CorMatrix ECM technology and devices, we’re also focused on the need to ensure medical and surgical resources are made available to those who have served. We reached out to LGS in our effort to simplify and streamline Federal Contracting sales channels," said CorMatrix CEO, David Camp.

"We’re grateful to Chris for his service to our country and his desire to continue to serve by providing specialty devices such as CorMatrix to the Veterans Administration Hospital System and the U.S. Military Medical Networks."

"By partnering with experts like LGS, we can help ensure CorMatrix products are being made available to our Veterans through the benefit network of the FSS and the hospitals that comprise the Veterans Health Administration," added CFO of CorMatrix, John Thomas.

CorMatrix ECM Technology allows surgeons to restore the native anatomy of cardiac and vascular tissue in need of repair, serving as a superior alternative to synthetic or cross-linked materials.