Jintronix claims that the FDA’s 510(k) clearance is the first time the Microsoft Kinect has been approved for use directly by patients in a healthcare setting. With this approval, Jintronix will provide first gamified rehabilitation software for clinics and home users.

With motion tracking, visual feedback and flexible platform, the Kinect provides immediate feedback for physical therapy patients.

By providing game-like exercises, the Jintronix solution, which is meant to work alongside traditional physical therapy, accelerates patient recovery.

The rehabilitation system provides instantaneous feedback to patients on their success or failure to perform the therapy.

For clinicians, Jintronix provides quantitative performance data enabling them to track the patients and update exercises or parameters remotely as progress is made, resulting in an increase in the patient’s desire to keep up with the regimen.

Jintronix co-founder Daniel Schacter said that the FDA clearance is an important step in the adoption of new internet connected consumer technologies in healthcare.

"As consumers become more familiar with technologies such as motion capture and facial recognition, we think the opportunities for consumer-based technologies to change healthcare are enormous," Schacter added.

"Our solution for the Kinect is an important entrant – patients really enjoy playing the games on our system while clinicians are thrilled by the medical foundation of the activities. We want to see our system in the home of every patient who needs neurological or orthopaedic rehab."

Microsoft Worldwide Health senior director Dr Bill Crounse said that Jintronix’s work to assist with the delivery of physical therapy by leveraging Kinect technology, brings together themes that are resonating with therapists, physicians and patients around the world.

"While the patient receives a more fulfilling and engaging experience during physical therapy that is easy to access and provides immediate feedback, clinicians are getting more information than they have ever had before–information that is transmitted via the cloud and informs therapists about the patient’s day-to-day progress," Dr Crounse added.

"The promise is for therapy that is more efficient, more personal, more convenient and can help lower the cost of care while improving outcomes.

"We believe that this clearance from the FDA is an important turning point for Kinect technology in physical therapy, and also recognition that healthcare is on a clear path toward change."