The da Vinci Xi System has broader capabilities than prior generations of the da Vinci System. It can be used across a wide spectrum of minimally invasive surgical procedures and has been optimized for complex, multi-quadrant surgeries.
For more than a decade, da Vinci Surgical Systems have provided patients with a minimally invasive alternative to open surgery that reduces many of the costs and complications associated with open procedures.
Intuitive Surgical designed the new da Vinci Xi System with the goal of further advancing the technology used in minimally invasive surgery for complex diseases and conditions in gynecology, urology, thoracic, cardiac, and general surgery.
"Our goal is to develop technology that enhances surgical performance," said Gary Guthart, Intuitive Surgical President and Chief Executive Officer. "The da Vinci Xi System’s new overhead architecture means that multi-quadrant surgery can be performed without repositioning the system, an innovation long sought by surgeons who perform complex procedures. We strive to provide the most advanced, least invasive option for surgery, and we are working hard to make minimally invasive surgery the standard of care."
With the U.S. introduction now underway, Intuitive Surgical will be seeking regulatory clearances to market the da Vinci Xi System around the world.
By enabling efficient access throughout the abdomen and chest, the da Vinci Xi System expands upon core da Vinci System features, including wristed instruments, 3D-HD visualization, intuitive motion, and an ergonomic design.
As with all da Vinci Surgical Systems, the da Vinci Xi System’s immersive 3D-HD vision system provides surgeons a highly magnified view, virtually extending their eyes and hands into the patient.
Compared to prior da Vinci Systems, the da Vinci Xi System’s key features include:
- A new overhead instrument arm architecture designed to facilitate anatomical access from virtually any position.
- A new endoscope digital architecture that creates a simpler, more compact design with improved visual definition and clarity.
- An ability to attach the endoscope to any arm, providing flexibility for visualizing the surgical site.
- Smaller, thinner arms with newly designed joints that offer a greater range of motion than ever before.
- Longer instrument shafts designed to give surgeons greater operative reach.
In addition, the da Vinci Xi System is built to be compatible with Intuitive Surgical’s Firefly Fluorescence Imaging System. While it is not currently available, we plan to seek regulatory clearance for use of Firefly Imaging with the da Vinci Xi System.
This technology is currently available as an option with the da Vinci Si model, and it is used to provide the surgeon with additional visual information in a variety of surgical procedures by enabling real-time visualization and assessment of vessels, bile ducts and tissue perfusion.
The da Vinci Xi System is an expandable technology platform that is designed to accommodate and seamlessly integrate a range of current technologies in areas such as imaging, advanced instruments and anatomical access, as well as future innovations.
To provide hospitals with choices to match their needs, Intuitive Surgical will continue to offer the current da Vinci Si System, which addresses a broad span of procedure complexity, and the da Vinci Si-e System, a lower-cost system suited for less complex surgeries.