The new approved version of the Intel Health Guide builds on the legacy of the Intel Health Guide PHS6000, helping healthcare professionals and patients better address the challenges of chronic care.
Vital signs collection, interactive patient health sessions, video conferencing capabilities, and multimedia educational content will be available on consumer PCs, enabling healthcare organizations to choose multiple systems that best meet the needs of their patients in a cost-effective way.
Intel-GE Care Innovations CEO Louis Burns said with this new platform, Intel-GE Care Innovations facilitates greater care coordination that gives healthcare organizations the ability to innovate and provide customized care.
The Intel Health Guide product family offers a comprehensive solution for virtual care and the system combines an in-home patient device.
The in-home patient device can connect to specific models of wired and wireless medical devices, including blood pressure monitors, glucose meters, pulse oximeters, peak flow meters and weight scales.
The device stores and displays the collected information for the patient and sends to a secure host server, where healthcare professionals can review the information.