The LipiScan IVUS Coronary Imaging system received US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval in June 2010.
The system includes a cardiac catheter to combine intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy to help cardiologists identify and characterize lipid core coronary plaques.
In a single catheter pullback, the LipiScan IVUS provides physicians with a traditional IVUS image that displays key structural parameters of the lesion, including its location, length, and degree of stenosis, in addition to confirming proper stent placement.
At the same time, the system performs spectroscopic analysis of optical data to produce a Chemogram map that indicates the location of lipid core plaques and quantifies their lipid core burden.
Integrating and co-registering the Chemogram with IVUS provides critical information to interventional cardiologists during the cardiac catheterization procedure.