The new feature helps to capture both high resolution images and large volume functionality in a single machine.

The new collimation will allow the NewTom VGi to obtain resolutions down to a .075mm voxel, or give the operator the ability to acquire a large 15cm x15cm field of view (FOV) scan when needed.

Additionally, it adds 4 new FOV options, with each of the 7 FOV’s having 4 separate possible voxel sizes.

NewTom VGi, with a 50% larger field of view, captures a full volume of the dento-maxillofacial region providing full cephlometric images which are vital to orthodontists

NewTom Marketing and Sales director Michael Ellison said this new feature pushes the envelope in the industry by adding an even higher resolution to the NewTom VGi, a feature which up to now, was typically seen in only the implant specific or small FOV units.

"It is now the highest resolution Cone Beam CT (CBCT) of all the units in the large FOV category. Anyone who is considering aCBCT, regardless of specialty, should want to take a look at the NewTom VGi with this amount of flexibility," Ellison said.