IBA expects that the FDA’s 510(k) approval will intensify the international interest in its Proteus ONE, a next generation, single-room proton therapy system.

According to the company, Proteus ONE encompasses the latest in targeted proton therapy technologies, including its intensity modulated proton therapy.

The Proteus ONE system has been created by IBA to allow more patients access to proton therapy globally. The company has already sold five Proteus ONE systems in Louisiana (US), Nice (France), Taiwan (China) and two in Japan.

IBA CEO Olivier Legrain said: "We are confident that Proteus ONE will drive greater momentum in the adoption of this next generation targeted cancer treatment internationally.

"We very much look forward to the first patients at the Willis-Knighton Cancer Centre in the US benefitting from our compact proton therapy offering later this year."

IBA said that Proteus ONE is the brand name of a new configuration of the Proteus 235.