The Healthsense technology was certified by the Wi-Fi Alliance, a global, non-profit industry association of more than 300 member companies devoted to promoting the growth of Wireless Local

Area Networks (WLANs). The Wi-Fi Alliance’s Wi-Fi CERTIFIED testing programs help ensure the interoperability of WLAN products based on the IEEE 802.11 specification.

“Healthsense chose Wi-Fi as the platform for eNeighbor because it’s recognized as the most proven, interoperable and secure wireless network used anywhere in the world,” said Brian Bischoff, President and CEO of Healthsense. “Unlike many proprietary wireless networks, just about any device or technology can be run on a standard Wi-Fi platform. That’s critically important for senior living providers because it means they know their investment will not become obsolete after only a few years.”

Bischoff added: “We’re excited to receive Wi-Fi certification for our sensor technology as this reflects our commitment to bringing standards-based solutions to market that enable older adults to remain safely and independently in their own homes. As Wi-Fi has become so widely accepted, its use as the industry standard is essential to seeing widespread adoption of aging in place technology. And for senior living providers, the ability to augment their existing Wi-Fi network with yet another valueadded component – such as state-of-the-art remote monitoring – helps protect their investment in this infrastructure.”

Millenium Pharmacy Systems, Inc., (MPS), a leader in institutional pharmacy services, uses advanced technology, including a standard Wi-Fi infrastructure to deliver innovative pharmacy solutions to the long-term care industry. “Utilizing a standard Wi-Fi network, the MPS system offers a state-of-the-art solution to its partners; reducing cost, enabling better clinical and financial outcomes, and improving staff productivity and satisfaction,” said Suresh Vishnubhatla, Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer for Millenium Pharmacy Systems. “Within the long-term care industry, many critical applications – including electronic prescribing, pharmacy services, remote monitoring, nurse call systems and electronic records – are increasingly being delivered via Wi-Fi. We applaud Healthsense’s commitment to Wi-Fi and we’re delighted to see yet another value-added Wi-Fi application for our customers.”

“Devices that have been Wi-Fi CERTIFIED have been tested for interoperability and to ensure they implement the latest in security features.” said Edgar Figueroa, Executive Director of the Wi-Fi Alliance. “Healthsense is to be commended for choosing Wi-Fi for its aging services technology for seniors.”

A recent Pew Internet & American Life Project study found that broadband is now installed in 55 percent of US homes. The study also found that among older Americans – those age 50 and over – the growth rate in home broadband adoption from 2007 to 2008 was 26 percent. Half of Americans between the ages of 50 and 64 have broadband at home. Some 19 percent of those 65 and older had home broadband access as of April 2008. “Healthsense believes that this rapid growth in broadband connections that utilize Wi-Fi are key to delivering the high performance technologies needed for supporting aging in place,” said Bryan Fuhr, VP of Business Development for Healthsense.