Both the Propaq MD and the Propaq M were developed with grants facilitated from the US Army Medical Research and Development Command.

They are designed specifically to meet the tough demands of battlefield medicine, which encompass air transport and evacuation, and the highly mobile ground, sea and air deployments of medical assets.

The Propaq MD is an ultra-lightweight compact device with capabilities that combine the features of the Propaq monitors with the therapeutic capabilities of ZOLL defibrillation and non-invasive pacing technologies.

The device is capable of monitoring all patients, whether adult, pediatric or neonatal.

A new battery system and AC power charger provide worldwide land, sea and air operating capability.

The system can monitor all physiological parameters, including three invasive pressures and two temperature channels, for over six hours on a single battery charge.

The Propaq M is a companion monitor-only version of Propaq MD.

It has been developed to have a completely identical and common interface for operation, batteries, power supplies, blood pressure cuffs, accessories, data and cables, but without therapeutic defibrillation and pacing capability.