The Company is also pleased to announce it will shortly be offering an opportunity to participate in a Security Purchase Plan (SPP) to Eligible Shareholders with a registered address in Australia or New Zealand to raise up to an additional A$987,910 (see further details below).

The financing was led by significant internal shareholder participation.

GI Dynamics is focused on commercialization in Europe, moving forward as rapidly as possible with a US Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) study with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), while continuing to operate the Company in a fiscally conservative manner.

Use of proceeds should allow GI Dynamics to continue operating, based on current operating levels, through the 2017 calendar year and allow it time to further solidify its ongoing European commercial and United States development options. The Company will, however, continue to evaluate its financing needs moving forward.

GI Dynamics is also committed to evolving the Board of Directors and bringing on talented new directors with significant executive, medical device development and commercial experience.

“We continue to execute in the rebuilding of GI Dynamics,” said Scott Schorer, president and CEO of GI Dynamics. “That entails a focus on expanding our commercial efforts in Europe and leveraging ongoing work on the reimbursement fronts in the United Kingdom and Germany. In addition, we are very focused on our ongoing dialogue with the FDA with the intent of finding a balanced approach to securing United States regulatory clearance.”

“Our efforts to add talent to the Company will manifest itself in additions to the Board of Directors as well. We continue our dedication to executing our strategy and maximizing shareholder value in a disciplined and accountable manner,” said Schorer.

The CDIs that have been subscribed for under the Placement comprise 69,865,000 CDIs (representing 1,397,300 shares of common stock), which are available for issue under the Company’s 15% placement capacity under ASX Listing Rule 7.1. The Placement CDIs will be issued on or around 20, December 2016 and will rank equally in all respects with CDIs on issue at the date of allotment.

GI Dynamics is also pleased to announce the terms of an offer to Eligible Shareholders of the Company with a registered address in Australia or New Zealand (Eligible Shareholders) under a SPP to raise up to a maximum of A$987,910.

Under the SPP, each Eligible Shareholder who held CDIs in the Company at the record date of 7:00 p.m. on 13, December 2016 (Sydney time) will, subject to the terms of the SPP, be entitled to acquire up to approximately A$15,000 of new CDIs, which will rank equally in all respects with the CDIs of the Company on issue at the date of their allotment (SPP CDIs). The SPP CDIs will be offered at an issue price of A$0.022 per CDI, which is the same issue price under the Placement.

GI Dynamics is the developer of EndoBarrier®, the first endoscopically delivered device therapy approved for the treatment of type 2 diabetes and obesity.

EndoBarrier is approved and commercially available in multiple countries outside the United States. EndoBarrier is not approved for sale in the United States and is limited by federal law to investigational use only in the United States.