Vantage Titan 1.5T line, which features the 8-, 16- and 32-channel MR systems, comprises a 71 cm bore, Toshiba’s Pianissimo noise-reduction technology, advanced non-contrast imaging, integrated coils with Octave Speeder technology and a M-Power user interface.

In addition,Titan 1.5T MR line is enhanced with a new modern, sleek exterior including new covers and soft, patient-soothing lighting around the bore.

The company said Vantage Titan 1.5T MR 16- or 32-channel system can be used by customers who require enhanced cardiac imaging, which will enable higher spatial and temporal resolution for better images of moving anatomy.

Toshiba MR business unit director Stuart Clarkson said with the new additions to the Titan 1.5T MR line, hospitals now have scalable MR technology options to meet various clinical needs.

"Now, healthcare facilities can acquire an 8-channel system today with the knowledge that it can be upgraded to a high-end 1.5T MR system as a facility’s clinical applications expand and grow in the future," Clarkson added.