Using Enzymatics’ proprietary Anchored Multiplex PCR-based enrichment, fusions of all genes in the panel can be identified in a single sequencing run, without prior knowledge of fusion partners or breakpoints. The assay will join the ALK, RET, ROS1 v2 panel and the Heme panel as the newest addition to the Archer FusionPlex product line.

About Archer FusionPlex Assays

Archer FusionPlex assays are target-enrichment assays used to create libraries for next-generation sequencing from as little as 20ng input nucleic acid. In conjunction with Archer Universal RNA Fusion Detection Kits and Archer MBC Adapters, these assays simultaneously detect and identify fusions of targeted genes. The FusionPlex assays are FFPE compatible and run on both Illumina® and Ion Torrent next-generation sequencing platforms.

Once sequenced, Archer FusionPlex libraries can be analyzed via the Archer Analysis Pipeline, a proprietary informatics analysis package that quickly detects and identifies fusion partners of assay genes as well as selected indels and point mutations.

Note: Archer kits and analysis software are for research use only and not for use in diagnostic procedures.