The company claims that the IQQA-Liver provides a comprehensive toolset for highly automated quantitative volumetric evaluation of liver, liver lobes and segments, hepatic lesions, and vascular structures including artery, portal veins and hepatic veins from CT data. Powered by innovative technologies, IQQA-Liver facilitates physician’s fast evaluation of imaging data as well as operative planning simulation of tumor resection and lobular/segmental/vascular separation/quantification/manipulation in real-time. Physicians may in real-time interactively adjust automated computer analysis results to achieve desired outcome typically within minutes.

IQQA-Liver already has clearance by the FDA and China SFDA, and is currently used by radiologists and surgeons at numerous prestigious liver transplantation/surgery centers worldwide for pre- and post- operative assessment purposes, including University of Colorado Hospitals Denver, Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital, Tianjin First Center Hospital, Beijing You’an Hospital, and etc. Regulatory clearance of IQQA-Liver in Taiwan is pending.

Through EDDA’s proprietary IQQA PACS- and web-enabling technology, IQQA-Liver can be readily deployed onto any existing hospital PACS workstations or via the web so that data evaluation and treatment planning results can be shared quickly anywhere anytime among authorized physicians.

“Easy-to-use and easy-to-access advanced computer applications for fully quantitative analysis of organs are key to best utilizing the high resolution imaging information for precision treatment planning and post-surgical assessment,” says Dr. Jian-Zhong Qian, President and CEO of EDDA Technology. “EDDA is committed to developing innovative technology and solutions to enhance the application of quantitative imaging to the entire healthcare cycle of patient management.”