The partnership will leverage EarlySense's clinically-proven continuous monitoring and Amwell, American Well's consumer telehealth service, connecting users with clinical experts at the click of a button.

Through the partnership, EarlySense users located in the United States will gain access to an extensive pool of clinical experts and be able to initiate consultation sessions with doctors practicing on Amwell whenever users have questions or see opportunities to improve their sleep or general health.

This service is available alongside EarlySense's new home digital health solution, LIVE, which was launched today.

"One of the key attributes of a superior telehealth experience is how informed the physician is about the patient in front of them," said Roy Schoenberg, CEO of American Well.

 "The ability of new technologies to collect and deliver patient information to the remote physician, during a telehealth consult, will have a dramatic impact on its value to patients. Companies like EarlySense are at the forefront of this evolution."

EarlySense's home solution includes a patented sensor that monitors and analyzes more than 50,000 data points every night, including heart rate, breathing patterns, sleep and motion, to provide a precise picture of overall health.

Placed under a mattress, the sensor requires no uncomfortable wires or wristbands, enabling accurate monitoring with no change to one's daily routine.

"A common question we receive from customers is what to do when they see fluctuations in their health data. With American Well's consumer telehealth service, Amwell, the answer is clear. Users can connect with health professionals in minutes to receive expert personalized advice," said Avner Halperin, CEO of EarlySense.

"This is the next crucial step toward empowering people to take control of their health from the comfort of their home, and also provides a safety net for family members, who are able to remotely monitor their loved ones."

EarlySense provides contact-free, continuous monitoring solutions for the medical and consumer digital health markets. EarlySense's patented sensor and advanced algorithms monitor and analyze cardiac, respiratory, sleep and motion parameters.

Used in hospitals and healthcare facilities worldwide, EarlySense assists clinicians in early detection of patient deterioration, helping to prevent adverse events, including code blues, preventable ICU transfers, patient falls and pressure ulcers.