The DSX ELISA processing system has the capability of quickly and accurately handling four microplates per assay run, minimizing required manual technician time while improving the speed and reliability of test results.

Dynex president Adrian M. Bunce noted it is very exciting to have the opportunity to provide even greater choice to laboratories in this region, after the SFDA approval of the company’s two-plate DS2 system early last year.

"The re-introduction of the DSX system to the Chinese market will have a tremendous impact on the ability of labs to take full advantage of the benefits of reliable ELISA automation," Bunce added.

Dynex vice president of sales and marketing Duane M. Steele noted in response to China’s outstanding market outlook, the company opened a Hong Kong branch in early 2012.

"The SFDA approval of DSX allows us to substantially enhance our already growing presence in China, where the ELISA market is still very strong and growing. We also expect that we will seek SFDA approval in the future for our new Agility 12-plate system," Steele added.