The new platform will be provided to any clinical site, including over 1,100 Dell Unified Cloud Archive (UCA) customers.
The new platform will enable HMOs, ACOs and other care providers to secure automated, imaging based analys, offering hospitals with targeted, disease focused and actionable insights to facilitate preventative care and population risk management.
Through Zebra-med’s analytics platform, Dell will provide any clinical site access to algorithms that offer screening and diagnostic decision support, helping in creating disease based risk profiles.
Information being provided by the platform will help care providers to identify patients at risk for osteoporosis, Emphysema, cardiac disease, liver disease and other pathologies.
Zebra Medical Vision co-founder and CEO Elad Benjamin said: "Using the vast amounts of imaging data available and the best machine learning and computer vision tools, the Analytics Platform will unlock medical insights that will allow early detection and treatment of some of the most debilitating and costly diseases.
"Our partnership will help providers take the leap to preventative care in a cost effective and seamless manner."
The new platform will be showcased at HIMSS in Las Vegas, US, which is being held from 29 February to 3 March.
Image: Over 1,000 hospitals can now use the automated Imaging Analytics platform. Photo: courtesy of PRNewsFoto/Zebra Medical Vision Ltd.