The automatic signal processing functions of Baha BP100 automatically adapt to the user’s sound environment, helping to provide greater audibility and listening comfort across different listening environments. Without any degradation in hearing performance adults can now easily change to different listening environments.

The Baha BP100 is the most advanced implantable bone conduction solution available, representing a major technological leap forward in sound processor utility and design. It’s engineered to deliver better hearing performance than ever before, said Chris Smith, President of Cochlear Americas. Users who cannot benefit from hearing aids now have the best opportunity to connect to sound and effectively communicate.

The Baha BP100 incorporates tamper-resistant battery doors, a key lock function, and a titanium and plastic casing for maximum durability. The device is water protected, allowing children and adults to live full, active lives. For clinicians, the Cochlear Fitting Software and three distinct fitting options provide flexibility for better fitting precision than ever before.

Direct bone conduction provides high fidelity hearing with remarkable efficiency, says John K. Niparko, MD, recent past president of the American Otological Society. For candidates, their opportunity to experience listening through the Baha processor is unique. It’s not unusual for them to experience an emotional reaction; they often ‘light up’ when we put the processor on them. There’s a sense that they have an important connection to the world of sound that was not there previously.