Using the science of mitochondrial DNA analysis, the test detects the presence of malignant cells from the tissue samples taken from the first prostate biopsy via a cancerization field, which in general comes back negative with conventional tests.

Results provided with the test can help clinicians to diagnose and manage prostate cancer earlier and eliminate the need for a subsequent biopsy.

Mitomics president and chief executive officer Robert Poulter said the agreement with CML HealthCare is aligned with the company’s commercial strategy to provide broad access to PCMT and improve the diagnosis of prostate cancer for patients.

"With their extensive laboratory and distribution network, CML HealthCare is the ideal partner to offer our Prostate Core Mitomic Test to urologists across Canada," Poulter added.

Under the agreement, Canadian urologists will be able to order PCMT through CML HealthCare in early 2013.

CML HealthCare president and chief executive officer Thomas Wellner said the relationship with Mitomics is another example of the company’s commitment to add non-government pay medical diagnostics to its test menu while leveraging existing business platform.

"We believe PCMT will provide significant benefits to patients, physicians and the health care system," Wellner added.