CardioNet, Inc announced publication of two studies and the presentation of two abstracts which further supports the broader use of the CardioNet System for the detection of atrial fibrillation (AF). The studies demonstrate CardioNet System's ability to detect clinically significant AF events in patients following surgical AF ablation procedures or ischemic stroke. The first study entitled "Atrial Fibrillation Detected by Mobile Cardiac Outpatient Telemetry in Cryptogenic TIA or Stroke," is authored by A.H. Tayal, M.D. The purpose of the study was to demonstrate the feasibility of detecting AF in patients with stroke of undetermined etiology through prolonged monitoring. CardioNet System detected a high rate of AF (23%) in patients which have experienced stroke for which the etiology was indeterminable through standard diagnostic evaluation methods or a transient ischemic attack (TIA), concluded the study. The abstract from a study titled "Cryo-Maze for Concomitant Atrial Fibrillation: Mid-Term Results using CardioNet Home Monitoring Testing" was presented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Association of Thoracic Surgeons on October 3, 2008 by Evelio Rodriguez, M.D., Division of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, Brody School of Medicine, East Carolina University. The study utilized the CardioNet System for home monitoring of patients that underwent concomitant AF ablation to determine the efficacy of the procedure. It was noted that rhythm assessment after ablation with electrocardiogram (ECG) and/or Holter monitors has been shown to overestimate success, which led to their selection of the CardioNet System for the study. The study concluded that home monitoring with the CardioNet System should become standard of care after interventions performed to restore sinus rhythm in patients with AF. On the capabilities and efficacy of the CardioNet System there have been 19 clinical papers and abstracts published. This includes the landmark study which demonstrated the CardioNet System to be nearly 3X superior in diagnosing clinically significant arrhythmias when compared to loop event monitoring.