Scher was a director and COO of Gerova Financial, a financial services company incorporated under Bermuda law and is also a principal in Modern Vision Media, a company creating online programs.

Scher founded Advanced Management Systems in 1982.

Subsequently he worked for Universal Films and also served as CEO of Hollywood Partners.

Cascade Technologies and its subsidiary Spectral Molecular Imaging (SMI) develop medical imaging devices with its hyperspectral imaging technology, originally developed for satellite reconnaissance, to advance the early diagnoses of cancer and precancerous conditions.

SMI is developing non-invasive optical imaging systems using its patented technology and other improved clinical diagnostics, in the field of cancer pathology, by identification and analysis of certain molecular, cellular, and tissue features.

Cascade Technologies provides services related to primary products, including software modules and maintenance services, and develops optical diagnostic products that operate in conjunction with surgical and/or evaluation procedures in real time.

Cascade Technologies ensures that its technology will enable early detection and diagnosis of melanoma, Barrett’s esophagus (that can lead to esophageal cancer) and lung cancer.