Use of Zebra Medical Vision software can enhance diagnostic quality while helping to maximize productivity and minimize costs. The software analyzes past and current imaging studies within Carestream’s radiology diagnostic client to identify chronic conditions that may require preventative treatment.

Carestream is adding the Zebra software to its Clinical Collaboration Platform to help healthcare providers manage high-risk patients by targeting conditions such as osteoporotic fractures, high coronary calcium levels, emphysema and fatty liver tissue. Zebra software also can be used as a real-time assistant to help radiologists avoid missed diagnoses and increase consistency.

Ludovic D’Aprea, Carestream’s General Manager for Healthcare Information Solutions, said: “Our goal is to equip healthcare providers with imaging analytics that can expedite early detection to help improve patient care. A holistic approach to analytics is the only way to achieve value-based imaging.

“That’s why we incorporated Zebra’s image-based analytics into Carestream’s existing real-time business dashboard and dose monitoring solutions.”

Elad Benjamin, CEO of Zebra Medical Vision, said: “We are enthusiastic about this global reseller agreement since many national government healthcare programs, large integrated health delivery networks and value-based health organizations currently use Carestream’s enterprise imaging platform. Adding Zebra analytics software to Carestream’s Clinical Collaboration Platform can bring immediate value to these providers."

Report Analytics Shown as Work in Progress

Carestream will demonstrate combining imaging with report analytics using its NLP (natural language understanding) program, which is a work in progress. This program will provide real-time alerts to radiologists and specialists as they dictate or type a report to identify potential errors in critical findings, body part mismatches or gender errors. Its semantic search capability will analyze the context of reports to provide conceptual data that can be used for clinical references, research, business intelligence or population management.

Carestream’s Clinical Collaboration Platform provides monitoring and analysis for:

  • Business/operational planning including productivity metrics and resource optimization
  • System performance including proactive monitoring and preventative maintenance
  • Clinical decision support including research and computer-aided diagnostics; and
  • Quality metrics including error correction and discrepancy detection; critical results; regulatory compliance; participation in national registries and peer review.