The MBTsmart is IVD-CE labeled according to EU directive EC/98/79, and fully integrated with the new IVD MALDI Sepsityper workflow for rapid microbial identification from positive blood cultures.

The new MALDI Biotypersmart is equipped with Bruker’s proprietary smartbeam solid-state laser, which increases the laser lifetime by an order of magnitude. In practice, this makes the smartbeam laser essentially a ‘lifetime’ laser for most microbiology applications and typical sample throughputs today.

Dr. Wolfgang Pusch, Executive Vice President for Clinical MALDI at Bruker Daltonics, added: "Bruker is dedicated to innovation and workflow improvements in clinical microbiology, in order to provide more and better information with dramatically shorter TTRs and higher throughput to infectious disease clinicians."

The MALDI Biotyper family of systems enables molecular identification, and taxonomical classification or de-replication of microorganisms like bacteria, yeasts and fungi. Classification and identification of microorganisms is achieved reliably and quickly using proteomic fingerprinting by high-throughput MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry.

The MALDI Biotyper uses a molecular approach based on specific proteomic fingerprints from bacterial strains and published studies have highlighted the greater accuracy and lower cost offered, as well as the much faster time-to-result (TTR).

Applications of the various MALDI Biotyper solutions include clinical routine microbial identification, environmental and pharmaceutical analysis, taxonomical research, food and consumer product safety and quality control, as well as marine microbiology.