Bayer’s A1CNow SelfCheck, cleared by the FDA previous year, enables patients to more closely watch their A1C level in between doctor visits so they may have a more informed discussion with their healthcare provider to ensure their diabetes plan is working.

A1CNow SelfCheck complements the healthcare provider-administered A1C test but is not intended to replace it or routine blood glucose testing. when used in conjunction with blood glucose meters, such as Bayer’s Contour or Breeze blood glucose meters, lets people with diabetes know where they stand with respect to their treatment goals. A1CNow SelfCheck comes as a 2-test-kit for a suggested sale price of $29.99.

A1C is a measure of how much sugar is attached to hemoglobin, a protein inside the red blood cells. An A1C reading provides the average blood sugar level over the past 2-3 months and indicates how well your treatment plan is working.

Olivier Jarry, chief operating officer of Bayer Diabetes Care, said: “A1C testing is an important measure of long-term diabetes management. Bayer’s A1CNow SelfCheck provides patients with a new way to partner with their healthcare providers to help meet their blood sugar goals over time.”