Duncan Ross, AtCor Medical chief executive officer, said, “We are again very please to announce additional business from an existing client. AtCor’s strong customer retention in new clinical trials demonstrates the importance of noninvasive central blood pressure data in drug development, as well as the high quality of the services we provide.”

“The scientific literature shows how important it is to measure central blood pressure in clinical trials and in patient care,” Ross continued. “The recently published Anglo Cardiff II study showed that many patients with controlled brachial blood pressure may have central pressure equivalent to patients with Stage One Hypertension. Many major independent studies, such as CAFE and Strong Heart, have shown that elevated central pressure is a superior predictor of cardiovascular events and that central blood pressure cannot be determined with brachial blood pressure measurements. So, to understand existing cardiovascular risk that may be present in subjects enrolled in trials and the risks and benefits of drugs in development, central pressures must be measured.”