Arstasis is a simple-to-use, disposable tool that allows physicians to perform the Arstaotomy procedure available to any qualified US hospital with an accredited cardiac catheterization laboratory.
Arstasis CEO Bruce Modesitt said that they are delighted to begin providing US cardiologists with a femoral artery access device that allows them to perform angiography without resorting to inserting a vascular closure implant into the patient.
The company is initiating patient enrollment in the RECITAL (A Patient Registry Evaluating Closure Following Access with the Arstasis One Access Device) study, a non-randomized, prospective, post-market registry anticipated to enroll up to 500 patients in at least seven US hospitals along with US launch.
Arstasis One Access Device helps physicians create a shallow-angle needle pathway through the wall of the femoral artery resulting in a quickly sealing access site.