The AMUG Conference is distinct from the countless additive manufacturing events held around the globe. It is a unique gathering of users, of all experience levels, that assemble and band together to provide and share valuable insights and experiences to help one another.
Mark Abshire, AMUG president, said, “The AMUG conference is all about the users of additive manufacturing equipment. What makes it unique is that the users plan, organize, and manage all aspects of the conference, making it truly ‘For Users, By Users’.”
Additive manufacturing users share expertise, best practices, real-world results, challenges and application developments through dialogue from the stage and conversations during breaks, meals and networking activities. With a program that encourages participation from early in the morning to late at night, attendees can interact with their peers for more than 50 hours over the five-day event.
For those that attend, participating in all aspects of the conference is key to having a successful experience and being part of the AMUG community, noted Abshire.
Abshire said, “Our conference fills education, training and networking gaps with experience and knowledge shared by users of a broad range of additive manufacturing technologies. And while highly skilled users attend the conference, first-time attendees new to the technology are embraced, welcomed, and encouraged to engage in information exchange.”
The AMUG Conference will include keynotes, panel discussions, technical sessions and hands-on workshops designed to help users get more from, and do more with, their additive manufacturing solutions. The conference agenda is expected to offer nearly 150 presentations and workshops.
One highlight of the conference program will be the eighth annual Innovators Showcase. The showcase is an on-stage interview with the feel of a fireside chat where attendees get to know an innovator in the industry and discover insights from that individual’s experiences. The conference program also includes the AMUGexpo, with over 140 participating companies, on Sunday, March 19 and Monday, March 20.
Through AMUG’s Innovators Award, Technical Competition and DINO Awards, excellence in applying additive manufacturing and contributions to the industry will be recognized. The five-day event also includes an Off-Site Dinner gathering, networking receptions and catered meals.
The advanced, all-inclusive conference registration fee is $1,295.00 when signing up through January 6, 2023. For details and registration access, visit www.amug.com. Companies interested in participating as exhibitors or sponsors may also use online registration. Representatives of the financial community and media should contact AMUG directly through the www.amug.com/contact/ page for more information.