The suit alleges that Andover’s two layer compression bandage systems, including the CoFlex TLC Two Layer Compression System and the CoFlex TLC Lite Two Layer Compression System, infringe a 3M patent (US Patent No 7,854,716) covering its 3M Coban 2 Layer Compression System and 3M Coban 2 Layer Lite Compression System.

The US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) had issued the 3M patent and 3M continues to invest in extensive research and new laboratory methods to improve compression therapy for patients.

The Coban brand 2 Layer Compression System and Coban brand 2 Layer Lite Compression System are clinically proven to comfortably deliver sustained, therapeutic compression to reduce the edema associated with venous leg ulcers, lymphedema and other conditions where compression therapy is appropriate, the company said.