Relay Medical, along with Fio, has introduced a new high-throughput Covid-19 rapid testing solution, which will be able to process 100 tests per hour.

The mobile testing toolkit, which uses Fionet technology, has been designed to administer on-site Covid-19 rapid testing and real-time tracking in high-volume settings such as airports, sports and entertainment events, workplaces and schools.

Fionet’s high-throughput Covid-19 testing and tracking solution is a complete toolkit designed to facilitate rapid testing in high-volume settings using antigen-based rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs).

The high-throughput toolkit serves as a mobile testing lab for improved onsite processing of RDTs, data capture and reporting in different community-settings.

A single modular processing setup, with enhanced workflows, needs two Fionet mobile testing devices, two personnel, and tabletop accessories to process up to 100 rapid antigen tests per hour.

With additional devices and personnel, the flexibility of Fionet enables to easily handle more than 1,000 tests per hour.

The solution helps to deliver test results within 20 minutes, thereby helping to reduce wait times and avoid disturbance to travel journeys.

Relay Medical CEO Yoav Raiter said: “Widespread rapid testing combined with real-time data tracking can be a powerful tool to proactively screen individuals and help prevent transmission so communities can begin to reopen with confidence and ultimately save both lives and livelihoods.

“There is a growing body of research that has demonstrated how rapid testing can be very useful, even in demanding settings like airports.”

In November 2020, Relay Medical signed a binding letter of intent (LOI) with Proprietary Innovation Labs (PIL) for the exclusive sale and distribution of Covid-19 rapid antigen and antibody diagnostic tests.