Medical device company ŌNŌCOR has announced the first-in-human use of the ŌNŌ endovascular retrieval system for the removal of an intracardiac tumour.

The ŌNŌ is designed to receive, align, compress, and remove non-biologic and biologic material from the circulatory system.

ŌNŌCOR said the device is simple to use and compatible with vascular sheaths, endovascular snares, and other grab devices that are available commercially.

The new advanced treatment provides access to a novel therapy using a minimally invasive procedures approach for heart mass patients worldwide and currently, it is offered at a few locations across the US.

According to the firm, the new ŌNŌ retrieval system will replace the traditional open-heart surgery.

ŌNŌCOR chief executive officer Mark Piper said: “We are thrilled that ŌNŌ was able to facilitate the innovative work of Drs. McCabe and Steinberg at UW.

“We’ve always believed that ŌNŌ would be a tool that helps physicians safely expand the scope of minimally invasive procedures. I think that what we witnessed here today in Seattle is a clear example of how new technologies such as ŌNŌ potentiate the evolution of medical therapy.”

Dr James M. McCabe and Zachary L. Steinberg and their colleagues at the University of Washington (UW) Medical Center removed a cardiac fibromyxoma from the right atrium of a 54-year-old patient using the ŌNŌ and electrocautery.

UW Interventional Cardiology Section Chief Dr McCabe said: “Intracardiac tumours are a vexing problem and present a management dilemma for physicians. These tumours are often found incidentally by echocardiography at relatively small sizes.

“However, rather than subjecting patients to elective surgical removal, these masses are typically followed expectantly until they increase in size to a point where they are physiologically problematic. At that point, the risks of open-heart surgery are deemed justifiable.”

In May this year, the company received the US FDA 510(k) clearance for its ŌNŌ retrieval system.