Healthycell announced the launch of REM Sleep, a new addition to its line of category-leading MICROGEL supplements, targeting the needs of the 70 million Americans who suffer sleep-related problems.
“Sleep is the most underrated factor in wellbeing,” commented Healthycell CEO, Douglas Giampapa, “The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has even labeled insufficient sleep a public health epidemic. REM Sleep is the only sleep gel on the market, and it’s the only formula designed to provide drug-free, non-habit-forming ingredients to support all four stages of human sleep: NREM-1, NREM-2, NREM-3, and REM.”
In America, 70% of adults report that they obtain insufficient sleep at least one night per month, and 11% report insufficient sleep every night.1 The National Institutes of Health predicts that America’s sleep debt is on the rise and that by the middle of the 21st century more than 100 million Americans will have difficulty falling asleep.2 “Our goal with this product is to help people with sleep troubles restore great quality sleep so they live healthier, more productive lives and reach their potential.”, says Mr. Giampapa.
New research continually uncovers connections between sleep and major diseases. For example, research now shows NREM-3 sleep allows your brain to detoxify by clearing out beta-amyloid plaque – the same plaque that is found in dementia and Alzheimer’s.3 Poor sleep has also been linked to type-2 diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular issues.4, 5, 6
REM Sleep provides nutrients for stage one of sleep to help people fall asleep easier; stage two of sleep to help people lower body temperature; stage three of sleep to help people achieve deep, lasting sleep; and stage four of sleep to help people achieve REM.†
Formulated by an expert team of physicians and nutritionists, this pill-free, ultra-absorption formula made with MICROGEL™ technology delivers 18 sleep nutrients in one convenient gel pack.
Source: Company Press Release