Health2047, a Silicon Valley-based subsidiary of the American Medical Association (AMA), has announced the spin out of its phenotype testing company Phenomix Sciences.

Phenomix offers a diagnostic solution that identifies four specific obesity phenotypes.

Its AI-backed MyPhenome test analyses genomics, metabolomics and hormone levels to offer a new personalised measure for obesity, facilitating enhanced treatment outcomes.

Also, the test provides doctors with the capability to prescribe personalised and more effective anti-obesity therapies, said the company.

Health2047 CEO Lawrence K Cohen said: “The physician perspective is central to everything we do at Health2047.

“Phenomix brings unique and valuable technology to address long-standing physician challenges in the diagnosis and treatment of obesity; as the science available to physicians gets better, so do patient outcomes.”

Phenomix said that obesity is not a single disease, but is a collection of diseases that can be grouped into four primary phenotypes.

The phenotypes include Hungry Brain, a defect of satiation; Hungry Gut, a defect of satiety; Emotional Hunger, an emotional reward from eating; and Slow Burn, a defect in energy expenditure.

According to recent clinical trials, obesity therapies guided by phenotype are twice as effective as non-phenotype-guided approaches.

Phenomix said that its blood-based test leverages phenotype-driven multi-omics technology that analyses clinical data using AI-based tools, and needs only a single sample to identify the specific phenotype.

Furthermore, the company’s newly expanded leadership team will be led by Mark Bagnall, as CEO, who previously worked for Health2047 as an executive in residence.

Bagnall said: “It is clear that we should stop viewing obesity as a single disease with a single treatment type. We expect our MyPhenome test to fundamentally change the way obesity is both understood and treated.”

Phenomix founder Dr Andres Acosta said: “The future of healthcare will be defined by the increase in personalised medicine and widespread adoption of artificial intelligence.

“By leveraging AI tools to better understand the phenotype of each patient’s obesity, we can devise more appropriate and effective treatments.”