FUJIFILM Medical Systems U.S.A., a leading provider of Enterprise Imaging and Medical Informatics solutions, has just launched Synapse Cardiology PACS 5.6.1, the company’s next-generation server-side rendering solution to help streamline image review and reporting across cardiovascular modalities. This first-of-kind technology is currently in clinical use at North Memorial Health, a Minneapolis-area health system and one of the nation’s top-rated hospitals for cardiovascular care.

“The launch of Synapse Cardiology PACS version 5.6.1 is a huge milestone for Fujifilm and for the cardiovascular imaging and reporting space, as the solution is more robust than ever before. The enhanced reporting, security, and workflow features included in this upgrade only skim the surface of what’s to come,” says Tim Thomas, Vice President, Cardiology, FUJIFILM Medical Systems U.S.A., Inc. “We’re grateful that North Memorial Health’s technology roadmap aligns with ours, and that we have the ability to collaborate with such a forward-thinking partner. The developments we make together based on input and feedback from North Memorial Health clinicians can lead to significant efficiencies and collaboration in cardiac care, a specialty that currently treats more than 92 million Americans.”

Developed with ongoing direction from cardiologists, Synapse Cardiology PACS is Fujifilm’s next generation, secure server-side rendering technology for cardiology imaging and reporting. Leveraging the investment and advancements made with Synapse Radiology PACS, Fujifilm has applied its expertise to cardiology—bringing the company a step closer to a common PACS platform—a merge of cardiology and radiology imaging and reporting. The ultimate goal is to enhance image management and reporting across multiple modalities, allowing for a more complete patient record and thus, a more comprehensive care plan.

North Memorial Health is a longstanding Fujifilm customer, with Synapse Radiology PACS and Synapse Mobility currently in clinical use, and a Synapse VNA install in the works. Fujifilm credits North Memorial Health with assisting in the development of the company’s Advanced Reporting component of Synapse Cardiology PACS, one of many reasons Fujifilm chose North Memorial Health as its pioneering site for clinical use of version 5.6.1.

“North Memorial Health approaches improvements in care delivery with a spirit of inventiveness and creative problem solving. We’re the first hospital in Minnesota to receive full Heart Failure Accreditation from the American College of Cardiology for excellence in the care and management of heart failure. We are also the first and only hospital in Minnesota to earn Chest Pain Center and Primary PCI accreditation,” said Osama A. Ibrahim, MD, FACC, FSCAI, Interventional Cardiologist, North Memorial Heart & Vascular Center. “It is fitting that North Memorial Health is the initial partner to work with Fujifilm to use the new version of Synapse Cardiology PACS, and this partnership and investment exemplifies how we’re continuing to blaze new trails to bring better cardiac care to all patients.”

North Memorial Health’s Synapse Cardiology PACS version 5.6.1 upgrade is being conducted in phases. The health system transitioned its cardiac catheterization lab over from web-based to server-side, improving physician access to images as well as workflow speed and performance. Imaging and reporting from invasive peripheral and vascular modalities are now being actively sent to the facility’s EMR, and North Memorial Health physicians are benefiting from the enhanced interpretation and workflows.

For Fujifilm, transitioning its Radiology and Cardiology PACS solutions to server-side is a big step towards making the company’s PACS offering a fully AI-enabled platform.